PD Planning UK Ltd has an excellent reputation for providing a professional, knowledgeable and efficient service for town and country planning matters. Our Director, Warren Pierson, has over 25 years of planning experience, and we are therefore well placed to provide the professional, chartered town planning advice and expertise that you need.
Planning Applications... Planning Appeals... Prior Approval Applications... Planning Appraisals and Reviews...
Residential Development... Business Development... Extensions... Changes of Use... Conversions...
Pre-application advice... Planning Conditions... Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)... Planning and Heritage Statements...
Flood Risk Assessments... Construction Management Plans... and more...
Residential Development... Business Development... Extensions... Changes of Use... Conversions...
Pre-application advice... Planning Conditions... Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)... Planning and Heritage Statements...
Flood Risk Assessments... Construction Management Plans... and more...
The planning process in the UK can be lengthy, daunting and time-consuming and it is rarely straightforward. However, with our extensive experience and knowledge we can help guide you through the planning process for the type of development that you want to achieve.
We provide advice and support to owner-occupiers, builders and developers. This might be in respect of an extension or alterations to your property, building a new house, a larger residential development, a conversion, or a commercial development. We want to see good and sustainable development that will actually be built, and we have the planning expertise and knowledge to help you get the best out of any site, and the process that you need to get there.
If you run a business then it can be difficult to find a premises that has the right kind of planning permission. Commercial organisations can also easily end up being in breach of planning legislation and can often be subject to enforcement investigations by the local Council. We want to help you avoid being subject to complications that you can do without, thereby enabling you to get on with more important matters that will make your business successful. Shopfronts, signs, operational development and changes of use - we can help make sure you have all the right permissions and consents.
We can advise on the likelihood of you winning an appeal on any decision made by the Local Planning Authority and can submit a planning appeal on your behalf to the Planning Inspectorate. We can deal with the bureaucratic process of completing the relevant forms, preparing Statements and liaising with the Planning Inspectorate, and we will make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. You will have the benefit of being professionally represented, and the reassurance that the best possible case will be put forward.
With our extensive planning experience we are also well placed to support local people in developing planning proposals for their area, through assistance with the preparation of Neighbourhood Action Areas and Plans, or by making representations on Local Plan consultations and planning applications.
Whatever you want to do that is planning related why not contact us to see how we can help? Simply use our contact form on this website, or send us an email at [email protected].
Please also have a look through the rest of this website by clicking on the links at the top of this page.
We provide advice and support to owner-occupiers, builders and developers. This might be in respect of an extension or alterations to your property, building a new house, a larger residential development, a conversion, or a commercial development. We want to see good and sustainable development that will actually be built, and we have the planning expertise and knowledge to help you get the best out of any site, and the process that you need to get there.
If you run a business then it can be difficult to find a premises that has the right kind of planning permission. Commercial organisations can also easily end up being in breach of planning legislation and can often be subject to enforcement investigations by the local Council. We want to help you avoid being subject to complications that you can do without, thereby enabling you to get on with more important matters that will make your business successful. Shopfronts, signs, operational development and changes of use - we can help make sure you have all the right permissions and consents.
We can advise on the likelihood of you winning an appeal on any decision made by the Local Planning Authority and can submit a planning appeal on your behalf to the Planning Inspectorate. We can deal with the bureaucratic process of completing the relevant forms, preparing Statements and liaising with the Planning Inspectorate, and we will make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. You will have the benefit of being professionally represented, and the reassurance that the best possible case will be put forward.
With our extensive planning experience we are also well placed to support local people in developing planning proposals for their area, through assistance with the preparation of Neighbourhood Action Areas and Plans, or by making representations on Local Plan consultations and planning applications.
Whatever you want to do that is planning related why not contact us to see how we can help? Simply use our contact form on this website, or send us an email at [email protected].
Please also have a look through the rest of this website by clicking on the links at the top of this page.