Development Guidance and Advice
If you are an architect or a developer looking to undertake alterations to a property or develop a site, then you will know the many hurdles that you will have to overcome to get planning permission. It may even be the case that you do not actually need planning permission because your proposal might constitute permitted development.
Every Local Planning Authority (LPA) has different policies and procedures to comply with, and idiosyncratic ways of doing things. We can help you understand what the issues are and how to successfully address them, and help you through the planning process, including the provision of pre-application advice and identifying the development potential of sites. We can provide an honest and professional opinion as to your chance of getting planning permission, so you can then decide whether it is worth the expense of preparing the numerous surveys, plans and other documentation that will be needed for a planning application. Why waste money when there is likely to be no chance of getting a permission?
Once you have secured planning permission there are likely to be a number of conditions that you will need to comply with and discharge. And you will also need to make sure you are building in accordance with the approved plans or else risk the wrath of the enforcement officer!
We can help you through all these important processes, to ultimately end up with a built scheme that works for everyone; you, your neighbours and the LPA.
Your chances of securing planning permission are likely to be greater if you provide the LPA with adequate information, and present it in an appropriate manner. Typically you might require the following documents, all of which we can help you with...
And what about Advertisement Consent, Listed Building Consent or Prior Approval?
Please contact us for full details of how we can help with all of the above, whatever the nature of your proposed development.
Every Local Planning Authority (LPA) has different policies and procedures to comply with, and idiosyncratic ways of doing things. We can help you understand what the issues are and how to successfully address them, and help you through the planning process, including the provision of pre-application advice and identifying the development potential of sites. We can provide an honest and professional opinion as to your chance of getting planning permission, so you can then decide whether it is worth the expense of preparing the numerous surveys, plans and other documentation that will be needed for a planning application. Why waste money when there is likely to be no chance of getting a permission?
Once you have secured planning permission there are likely to be a number of conditions that you will need to comply with and discharge. And you will also need to make sure you are building in accordance with the approved plans or else risk the wrath of the enforcement officer!
We can help you through all these important processes, to ultimately end up with a built scheme that works for everyone; you, your neighbours and the LPA.
Your chances of securing planning permission are likely to be greater if you provide the LPA with adequate information, and present it in an appropriate manner. Typically you might require the following documents, all of which we can help you with...
- Pre-Application Advice,
- Statements of Community Involvement,
- Planning Statements,
- Design and Access Statements,
- Heritage Significance Statements,
- Flood Risk Assessments,
- Planning Fire Strategy Statements,
- Affordable Housing provision,
- Transport Statements and Green Travel Plans,
- Arboricultural Reports,
- Section 106 Agreements,
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Assessments.
And what about Advertisement Consent, Listed Building Consent or Prior Approval?
Please contact us for full details of how we can help with all of the above, whatever the nature of your proposed development.